VIA Jill Barnes
Waimiri-atroari Indians TWO THOUSAND disappeared without trace during the military regime in Brazil. Infinitely superior to the missing of the Araguaia guerrilla, in Pará.-They are not on the official list of missing politicians, or victims of human rights violations during the military regime, but were considered impediments to the “development”, guerrillas and enemies of the regime by resist construction of a highway (BR-174, which connects Manaus to Boa Vista) that would go through their territorytherefore suffered a massacre.The indigenist and ex-missionário Egydio Schwade, 76, reveals the episodes involving the violent occupation of the lands of the waimiri. Since the beginning of 2011, went on to disclose a Schwade series of articles on his blog the episodes that involved the violent occupation of the lands of the waimiri-atroari.~Alice Pires