Open letter of the indigenous peoples of the Raposa Serra do Sol to the Brazilian society

  • via~ Sonia Bone Guajajara
    Open letter of the indigenous peoples of the Raposa Serra do Sol to the Brazilian society:We, the indigenous communities of the Macuxi indigenous Peoples, Taurepang, Patamona, Wapichana, and Ye ‘ kuana Ingarikó, meeting in Fox Serra do Sol indigenous area, located to the northeast of the State of Roraima, Brazil’s far North, we saw before the population of our country to express our contentment with our relatives and invited by the victory of the Demarcation and the joy of living well, according to our culture, political organization and the future economic and physical development of our communities.Nevertheless, we denounce that the decision of the Federal Supreme Court has been descumprida:We are still having trouble with the presence of non-Indians already indemnified and garimpeiros in our lands. Our population suffers abuse by selling alcoholic beverages, primarily in the communities of Barro (Surumu), cold water, Mutum, and seat of the municipality of Uiramutã. We inform about the danger of adopting the PEC 215, which enables Congress to decide on the demarcation of indigenous lands and revise the boundaries of the land already demarcated. In addition, there are new hydroelectric projects in our rivers, which would bring cultural and environmental impact, due to the construction of the dam generated contact by. We consider it a threat to our population and violations of rights guaranteed both in the Federal Constitution of Brazil, as the Charter of ILO-Convention 169 of the International Labour Organisation.Seeing all these issues, discussed and decided to once again raise our banner of struggle in defense of our rights, beginning with the Cachoeira do Tamanduá, with the motto “here does not have a no-brainer for our nature, the fight continues and United we stand!”.Furthermore, we feel that we are still grieving because more than 20 relatives were killed by non-Indians and another ten were shot and nothing has been done: the murderers are still loose and relatives without being able to work to support his family. Therefore, we ask that the authorities take the reasonable steps and solve these problems.We do not guarantee review of Fox Serra do Sol indigenous area; the construction of the hydroelectric plant on the River not Cotingo; and the immediate stoppage of mining activities. We want justice! With the punishment of the guilty by the environmental damage of cultivated, lakes, rivers and animals; the punishment of crimes, threats and murders of our relatives Aldo da Silva Mota and others; the punishment for the attack of the ten brothers; the punishment for other crimes such as destruction and burning of houses and the Indigenous Centre of training and culture Fox Serra do Sol, in community Surumu-Clay.Finally, we demand that no legislation that affects our rights is even discussed, without the prior approval of the status of indigenous peoples.We reaffirm our fight for the fulfillment of the rights governed by the Constitution, and certain that we can count on everyone, we ask for your cooperation to solve the problems here discussed.Sign Below.The community of Anteater, April 29, 2012.

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